
標籤: 香港物業買賣

Cooling measures set to be relaxed slightly

14 May 2014 - Measures put in place last year to double stamp duties on all property transactions are set to be modified to provide home buyers more time in which to sell their existing units.Under the current implementation, those exempted from the double stamp duty include first time buyers and those not in possession of another Hong Kong proper
作者: OKAY.com

Rise in mortgage rate predicted

13 May 2014 –  The South China Morning Post reports that mortgage rates are set to rise by as much as 0.25% in 2014. This takes into account the expected increase in US rates and the continued slowdown in the Hong Kong residential sales market that is set to impact the number of loans taken out.
作者: OKAY.com


2014年5月13日 - 政府今日公佈,考慮放寬就換樓人士而收取的雙倍印花稅政策。該政策自2012年起實行,若市民在購買新物業後六個月內仍未放售舊有物業,便需支付雙倍印花稅。政策一向被視為換樓人士的噩耗,若業主持有的物業位於交易數量偏低的地區,或需減至低於市價求售。據南華早報和虎報消息指,政府擬將六個月換樓期延至樓花收樓後才開始計算。
作者: OKAY.com
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