
标签: 香港物业

Should I Buy and Hold Real Estate through a Company in HK?

8 December 2017 - Property investors often use companies to hold real estate because personal property ownership could get expensive: when treating property as an investment, a small percentage difference in taxes between company and personal ownership can translate into a difference of millions of dollars. Using holding companies to transfer th
作者: OKAY.com

5 Chilled-Out Residential Areas that Won’t Break the Bank

6 December 2017 - In a bustling metropolis like Hong Kong, finding an apartment in a laid-back neighbourhood without emptying your bank account sounds like mission impossible. But let’s forget The Peak for a second: here are five affordable chilled-out districts that could ease your real estate qualms:      Western DistrictEverybody knows somebod
作者: OKAY.com

What You Should Do Before Renewing Your Lease Agreement

Lease renewal may seem like a straightforward process—talk to your landlord about your rent, sign an addendum, get it stamped—and you’re done. But, take a good look at your rental home: have the walls begun to peel? Is the air-conditioner radiating hot air? Does your sink leak? These may be issues you would like your landlord to address—but you’r
作者: OKAY.com


一、前期預備:制訂財務規劃 對大部分準買家而言,置業可能是人生其中一筆最昂貴的投資,因此必須及早作出周詳的財務規劃。首期是「上車」的入場費,若以450萬的上車盤來計算,兩成首期便已須支付90萬,加上印花稅、代理佣金等,所需資金已突破百萬。若單靠個人收入欲儲百萬本金,除非是醫生、律師等高收入專業人士,否則對初出茅廬的年輕首置客而言,絕對是一個難以跨越的門檻。 今天的社會狀況與父母輩時代早已不同:收入增幅遠追不上通脹,而且儲蓄利率低至近乎零。單靠節衣縮食、少去幾次日本、少喝幾杯咖啡絕對不足夠。要實現置業買樓目標,必須學會利用投資增長收入,要養成以優質資產為財富增值的思維和目光,才可以達成首期的儲蓄目標。市面上的投資產品五花八門,除了基本的股票、債券等,各種複雜的投資產品日新月異,亦各有不同的
作者: OKAY.com

Buy — or Sell First? Trading Up in Hong Kong’s Property Market

You’ve set your sights on a three-bedroom apartment on the Southside—perfect for your growing family. However, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to make the purchase without selling your current flat. But with the new baby on the way and your daughter about to start school, selling first could mean your family would have nowhere decent to stay during
作者: OKAY.com

Are Haunted Properties in Hong Kong a Good Investment Choice?

25 October 2017 - The term ‘haunted house’ brings to mind scenes from popular culture movies like The Conjuring or The Shining for many Westerners. But frequently, people from Western cultures would be surprised to discover that real haunted houses are actually quite prevalent in Hong Kong. The Dark Energy that Flows Through the HomeOf course, we
作者: OKAY.com

How do Hong Kong and Singapore’s Approaches to Managing Property Prices Compare?

10 October 2017 - Why have Hong Kong’s housing prices continued to increase while Singapore’s prices are in decline? Both economies followed similar growth trajectories and are generally perceived as comparable rivals internationally. While the two markets share certain similarities – cultural context, economic structure, territory and population
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2017年10月6日 - 2017年年初香港樓市相對淡靜,受2016年底政府上調印花稅稅率至15%、美國加息1/4厘及農曆年淡市等因素影響,一月住宅買賣登記量為3,286宗,表現較其他月份遜色。農曆新年過後,首半年樓市表現回升,一手市場住宅交易尤其活躍。根據土地註冊處數字,2017年首半年一手住宅買賣數量由一月的664宗倍增至六月的2,320宗。在政府的多重樓市辣招下,上半年樓價不跌反升,樓價指數由2016年底的141.17點升至本年八月的將近155點,升幅多於10%。2017年住宅樓宇買賣概況( 截至2017年8 月 ) 1月2月3月4月5月6月7月8月整體物業註冊數量3,2864,0795
作者: OKAY.com

How Might Hong Kong’s Government Cooperate with Developers to Solve Housing Supply?

14 September 2017 - Tackling soaring property prices has been a tough challenge for the government and with Hong Kong being ranked the world’s most expensive property market for seven years in a row, there is continued concern that existing policies are doing little to help the average person in Hong Kong. Before Carrie Lam assumed office, the ci
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2017年9月8日 - 香港樓價自2013年起持續攀升,政府多次推出印花稅辣招以抑壓炒風,但社會的房屋需求強勁,樓價始終未見回落。第五屆特區行政長官林鄭月娥在競選期間已多次強調房屋問題為今屆政府施政的「重中之重」,她在選舉政綱中提出三大土地及房屋政策,以置業為主導,積極處理樓價高企對港人的影響。 1. 港人首置上車盤;優化按揭保險計劃  林鄭的房策以助港人置業為首要任務,提出在居屋與私樓之間,為無力承擔私樓樓價,但收入及資產又超過公屋及居屋申請限額的夾心家庭,提供港人首置上車盤。她亦提出研究優化「按揭保險計劃」,為首次置業的香港永久居民提供更多「上車」協助。 港人首置上車盤及優化按揭保險計劃的概念對社會大眾十分吸引,亦反映林鄭有心處理夾心階層難以上車的問題。但在居屋供應嚴重不足的情況下,
作者: OKAY.com
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